Unveiling the Mind Games – Why do Pros Always Hold the Right Angle in Valorant?

Unravel the mysteries behind pro players' impeccable positioning and predictions in Valorant as we delve into the mind games at play.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Valorant pros seem to possess unearthly abilities when it comes to holding angles and predicting enemy movements. Their precision and game sense often leave us mere mortals in awe, pondering if they have a sixth sense or just exceptional skill.


  • Pro players rely on a combination of reactions, macro play, and experience to predict enemy movements.
  • Understanding player tendencies and game mechanics enables pros to hold the right angles effectively.
  • Tight or wide angle holding decisions are based on anticipating enemy actions and game sense.

Cracking the Code

Valorant’s pros showcase a level of expertise that goes beyond mere mechanical skill. Their ability to anticipate enemy movements and adjust their positioning accordingly lies in a complex interplay of game knowledge and intuition.

The Mind of a Pro

Pros leverage their experience and understanding of map layouts to preempt enemy movements, holding angles that offer strategic advantages while staying one step ahead of their opponents.

The Art of Adaptation

Adaptability is key in the realm of professional Valorant, with pros constantly refining their playstyles, analyzing opponents’ behaviors, and making split-second decisions that can turn the tide of a match.

The meticulous calculation of each angle held, the split-second reactions to enemy movements, and the ability to predict and counter opponents’ strategies showcase the mental prowess that sets pro players apart in the world of competitive gaming.