Unveiling the Most Annoying Enemies in Hades – A Reddit Discussion

Which enemies frustrate players the most in Hades? Dive into this Reddit discussion to uncover the top contenders!

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades, the acclaimed indie game, has its fair share of formidable foes that test players’ skills and patience. One Reddit post delves into the community’s opinions on the most aggravating enemies encountered in the game.


  • Giant Vermin’s poison pools hinder close combat engagements, causing frustration for short-range weapon users.
  • Community consensus places Greatshields and Satyrs among the top contenders for most irritating enemies.
  • Butterfly Ball miniboss receives special mention for being a challenging adversary.

Community Favorites and Frustrations

Greatshields emerge as a common annoyance among players, with one user calling them ‘the worst motherfuckers.’ The poison-packing Satyrs also receive flak for swiftly depleting players’ resources.

Contending for the Top Spot

Players express disdain for the Butterfly Ball miniboss, labeling it as ‘the absolute biggest piece of crap’ in the game. The fiery Flame Wheels and pesky Butterfly enemies also draw ire from the community.

Unveiling Personal Preferences

Some players find challenges in unexpected places, such as struggling with the mobility of flame wheels or the tankiness of poison satyrs. Others share frustration over Soul Catcher miniboss encounters and the relentless attacks from Satyrs and Greatshields.

While opinions vary on the most irritating foes in Hades, one thing remains clear—the game’s intricate enemy designs keep players on their toes, ensuring a challenging gameplay experience.