Unveiling the Mysteries of Hades: Sequel Rumors and Voice Actor Marvels

Dive into the world of Hades as fans speculate on potential sequels and voice actor surprises!

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into the underworld of Hades as fans stir up rumors and excitement over potential sequels and unexpected voice actor performances. From Homer’s statue to Logan Cunningham’s voice range, the subreddit for Hades is bustling with chatter and playful banter.


  • Speculation and anticipation run high in the Hades community surrounding potential sequel hints.
  • Fans are intrigued by the voice acting talents of Logan Cunningham and his ability to bring life to multiple diverse characters.
  • Comparisons to other popular game voice actors spark discussions on the uniqueness of Cunningham’s performances.

Underworld Whispers

Warlock_Guy25 amusingly comments on the surprise element of potential voice appearances in the sequel, drawing parallels to iconic characters.

SubterraneanLentils expresses astonishment at Logan Cunningham’s versatility, particularly in the portrayal of Hestia.

Hades’ Ensemble

Gui_Franco speculates on Cunningham’s role as Hades, showcasing the community’s fascination with his vocal contributions.

VolkiharVanHelsing humorously compares Cunningham’s performances to the distinct voices found in other game franchises, highlighting his exceptional talent.

Award-Worthy Performance

Frozenfishy discusses Cunningham’s past nominations and hopes for future recognition, underscoring the impact of his voice work on the gaming world.