Unveiling the Mysterious Disappearance of Tekken Character’s Neck

Join the Tekken community as they unravel the enigma behind this missing neck in the latest shop update.

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Jarvis the NPC

A Tekken player recently hopped back into the game after a hiatus, only to be stunned by the disappearance of a character’s neck in the shop.


  • Users bemused by the missing neck on a character in the Tekken shop.
  • Speculations on the reasons behind the oversight, with humorous comparisons.
  • Fans express confusion and amusement at the character’s anatomy.

Fashion vs. Physics: The Neck Dilemma

One user pointed out, ‘She never had one to begin with in this game for whatever reason. Just the outfit makes it more obvious.’ It seems like this neck debacle has deeper roots in the character’s design than initially thought.

Community Speculations

Another user humorously commented, ‘Head & Shoulders model,’ drawing parallels between the character and a well-known shampoo brand’s focus on hair rather than necks.

Anatomy Lessons from Fans

An artistic user shared a corrected image of the character, elongating the neck, enlarging the head, and shrinking the hands for a more anatomically plausible rendition.