Unveiling the Mysterious Minor Prophecy in Hades – What Are Players So Shocked About?

Explore the shocking find in the minor prophecy of Hades that has players audibly stunned.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Hades, players stumble upon a mysterious minor prophecy that leaves them audibly shocked.


  • Players audibly react to a surprising discovery in the minor prophecy list.
  • The revelation prompts discussions about its significance and completion possibilities.
  • The ominous nature of the find adds to the intrigue and mystery surrounding Hades.
  • Even players who haven’t reached certain milestones express surprise at the revelation.

SkallLord Drops the Bomb

SkallLord’s find in the minor prophecy list causes a stir among players, leading to audible reactions of shock and surprise. The discovery seems to catch players off guard, showcasing the game’s ability to deliver unexpected twists and turns that resonate with the community.

The Dialogue Unveiled

Players discuss encountering new dialogues related to the find with Moro, adding depth and lore to the game. This revelation not only impacts gameplay but also enriches the narrative experience, keeping players engaged and invested in uncovering more secrets within the world of Hades.

The Completion Conundrum

Questions arise about the possibility of completing the prophecy at different stages of the game, sparking debates among players about strategies, hidden requirements, and the overall significance of this unexpected discovery. The uncertainty surrounding its completion adds an element of challenge and curiosity to the gameplay experience, driving players to explore further and delve deeper into the mysteries of Hades.

Players are left with a mix of excitement, anticipation, and unease as they navigate the implications of this revelation, eagerly awaiting the next reveal in their journey through the underworld.