Unveiling the Mysterious Psion Without a Helmet in Destiny 2

Delve into the intriguing world of Destiny 2 as players stumble upon a rare sight - a Psion without its iconic helmet.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players were taken aback when encountering a Psion without its signature helmet during their gameplay. The subreddit erupted with reactions to this unusual sight, sparking a mix of humor and curiosity among the community.


  • Players were surprised and amused by the unexpected appearance of a Psion without its helmet, leading to various comedic speculations.
  • The community shared humorous thoughts on the Psion’s resemblance to pop culture references like Daleks and Cenobites.
  • Questions arose about the Psion’s combat abilities without depth perception, adding a comedic spin to the discussion.

Reactions to the Unhelmeted Psion

One user humorously commented, ‘Looks a lot like a human Dalek,’ drawing a parallel to the iconic Doctor Who villains. The comparison added a whimsical touch to the thread, showcasing the community’s creativity in interpreting the Psion’s appearance.

Another player shared their initial confusion, stating, ‘My first thought was what the f*ck is that? Then the second was can it be cooked and eaten?’ This comical take on encountering the Psion without a helmet exemplifies the lighthearted banter that unfolded in the subreddit.

One user pondered the Psion’s precision in combat despite lacking depth perception, humorously questioning, ‘How are they hitting me so accurately with no depth perception?’ This witty observation sparked further amusement among fellow Guardians.

The Enigmatic Psion Without a Helmet

As players delved deeper into the mystery of the Psion without its iconic helmet, speculations arose regarding its lore implications. A user expressed surprise, ’10 years of Destiny and this is the first time I see this. Jesus. I see the Nezarec connection.’ The discovery not only amused the community but also led to intriguing theories about the Psion’s presence.

Amidst the humor, users couldn’t help but draw comparisons between the Psion and fantasy creatures, with one player humorously labeling it a ‘Cenobite looking ass.’ This blending of Destiny 2 with pop culture references added an entertaining layer to the discussion, reflecting the community’s ability to find humor in unexpected moments.

Overall, the unveiling of the Psion without a helmet in Destiny 2 sparked laughter and curiosity among players, showcasing the community’s knack for turning peculiar sightings into engaging conversations.