Unveiling the Mystery Behind the Codex in Hades – Achilles at the Helm?

Uncover the truth behind the mysterious author of the Codex in Hades and delve into who truly holds the pen.

Photo of author

Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Hades, players dive deep into the lore and mysteries, like the enigmatic Codex. Who pens its words?


  • The Codex belongs to Achilles, with his insights shaping its content.
  • Players discover Achilles as the primary author, adding depth to the narrative.

Unveiling Achilles’ Hand

It’s evident from the comments that the Codex bears the mark of Achilles, breathing life into its pages. The revelation connects players to the famed hero, enhancing the storytelling experience.

Homer’s Intrigue

Some speculate on Homer’s influence in the Codex, raising questions about possible hidden threads within the narrative. The mystery surrounding Homer adds layers to the intrigue.

Achilles’ Legacy

By anchoring the Codex to Achilles, Supergiant Games immerses players in Greek mythology, inviting them to explore a world shaped by legendary figures. Understanding Achilles’ role enriches the player’s journey through Hades.