Unveiling the Mystery Behind Using Mishima’s Confidant in Persona

Discover why the divisive character Mishima in Persona is a hot topic among fans. Is he worth the time and effort?

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered if Mishima’s Confidant is worth it in Persona? KaleidoArachnid dives into the debate surrounding the character, seeking answers to the love-hate relationship among fans.


  • Mishima’s character sparks intense reactions due to his relatability and rewards.
  • Users express appreciation for the depth of Mishima’s storyline.
  • He is seen as a realistic portrayal of a flawed character, evoking mixed feelings.

Interpreting the Divide

Many users argue that Mishima’s confidant rewards are valuable and essential for gameplay progression. Some find his character arc well-written and relatable, leading to a love-hate dynamic with fans. Despite his perceived flaws, Mishima’s dual role as a party supporter and relatable underdog invites diverse opinions.

The Realistic Loser Persona

Users appreciate Mishima’s development from a perceived annoyance to a deeper, relatable character. His depiction as a loser resonates with some players, adding realism to the game’s narrative. The full-party exp share mechanic he provides is a significant gameplay benefit, balancing out any negative perceptions users may have.

The Bully or the Bullied?

While Mishima may come off as overeager and annoying, users acknowledge his growth and the nuances of his character. Some defend him as a victim of circumstances, highlighting the complexity of his personality. The interaction options with Mishima allow players to choose their stance towards his character, adding a layer of player agency to the narrative.

Exploring the multifaceted nature of Mishima’s character reveals the depth of storytelling in Persona and the intricate relationships players form with in-game personas. Whether you see Mishima as a valuable ally or a nuisance, his presence adds layers of complexity to the game’s narrative, sparking heated debates among fans.