Unveiling the Mystery: How Lux Got the Triple Kill – League of Legends

Unlock the secret behind Lux's unexpected triple kill over Kai'sa. Dive into the chaos of wrong attributions in League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a bizarre turn of events, Lux managed to secure a triple kill instead of Kai’sa, leaving the League of Legends community puzzled. The incident has sparked a heated debate among players, each offering their unique perspective on what went wrong.


  • Statikk Shiv bug causing unexpected kill attributions.
  • Riot aware of the issue but adding flavor instead of fixing it.
  • Players frustrated with inconsistent mechanics.

The Controversy Surrounding Statikk Shiv

The community uproar stems from the erratic behavior of Statikk Shiv, leading to unforeseen kill transfers. Some players have reported instances where champions unrelated to the item’s wielder end up with kills, creating chaos on the battlefield.

Insights from the League

One player, DDMNWNDRLND, shed light on the Lux incident, suggesting that Lux’s final auto attack triggered Kai’sa’s Statikk Shiv passive, resulting in the unexpected kill credit. This revelation added a layer of complexity to an already perplexing situation.

The Riot Response

Despite player outcry, Riot seems to be taking a nonchalant approach, with a player humorously stating that they plan to introduce Carbonara sauce in the next battle pass instead of addressing the bug directly. This humorous take on a frustrating issue showcases Riot’s unique way of dealing with community feedback.

Despite the quirkiness surrounding Lux’s triple kill, the League of Legends community remains divided on whether such bugs add charm or frustration to the game atmosphere. As players continue to navigate through the chaos of unexpected kill attributions, one thing is certain – the world of League of Legends is anything but predictable.