Unveiling the Mystery of Champion of the Forge in Last Epoch Subreddit

Dive into the Last Epoch Subreddit and uncover the secrets behind the Champion of the Forge passive!

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players discuss the Champion of the Forge passive and its ambiguous critical strike multiplier, questioning its impact on gameplay and theorycrafting strategies. Dive into the Reddit post to learn more about their insights.


  • Players are puzzled by the critical strike multiplier of Champion of the Forge
  • The community debates whether it adds to existing multipliers or functions differently
  • Questions arise on the efficiency of stacking attributes in Last Epoch

Unraveling the Mystery

Last Epoch players dissect the Champion of the Forge passive, delving into its mechanics and potential implications on character builds. The ambiguity surrounding the critical strike multiplier sparks a lively discussion among theorycrafters and min-maxers.

The Critical Strike Conundrum

Users debate whether the bonus per strength truly enhances critical strike damage or merely adds to existing multipliers. The confusion stemming from the wording of the passive leads to contrasting interpretations within the community.

Attributes and Game Mechanics

Exploring the broader implications of attribute stacking, players question the viability of attribute-centric builds in Last Epoch. The discussion extends to the feasibility of *att-name*-stacking strategies and their effectiveness in the current meta.

Last Epoch players continue to unravel the complexities of the game’s mechanics, seeking clarity on key aspects such as the Champion of the Forge passive and attribute optimization.