Unveiling the Mystery of Gyro Aiming in Apex Legends

Discover the secrets behind the underappreciated gyro aiming in Apex Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered why gyro aiming isn’t more popular in Apex Legends? User kuroneko4696 shared their insights on the uncommon technique in a recent post on Reddit.


  • Gyro aiming offers a new level of precision comparable to keyboard and mouse.
  • Motion control stigma from previous console generations affects its adoption.
  • Xbox’s lack of official gyro support hinders its integration in games.

Gyro Precision vs. Motion Control Stigma

Many users believe gyro aiming’s precision rivals that of traditional mouse and keyboard setups. However, a negative stigma surrounding motion controls from past console systems has limited its acceptance.

Xbox’s Influence on Gyro Integration

The absence of official gyro support on Xbox consoles has hindered the widespread implementation of gyro aiming in games, impacting its popularity among players.

Gyro Aiming in Apex: Gimmick or Gamechanger?

Some users argue that in a game like Apex Legends with heavy aim assist, learning gyro aiming may seem unnecessary. The debate continues on whether gyro aiming is a gimmick or a viable play style.