Unveiling the Mystery of Male Belanoir Libero in Palworld

Join the Reddit discussion on the rare male Belanoir Libero in Palworld. Will you be the lucky one?

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld enthusiasts are unraveling the mystery behind the elusive male Belanoir Libero — a rare find that has left many players perplexed.


  • Male Belanoir Liberos are as rare as a shiny Pokemon in the wild grass; the 5% chance is giving players a run for their money.
  • Players are resorting to save-scumming techniques to secure a male variant, showcasing the lengths they will go to for that coveted catch.
  • The unpredictability of the 5% chance has turned the hunt for a male Belanoir Libero into a thrilling rollercoaster ride of emotions and tactics.

Players’ Dilemma

Many players like paperduck1 have shared their frustration at the sheer rarity, comparing it to finding a needle in a haystack. The 5% chance seems to defy all odds, adding an element of suspense to the hunt.

Save-Scumming Strategy

Camgraff’s innovative approach of saving before hatching and reloading for the desired outcome highlights the creative solutions players resort to when faced with such odds. This method, while efficient, speaks volumes about the lengths players will go to for a male Belanoir Libero.

The Element of Chance

BeachOk2802 sheds light on the unpredictable nature of the 5% chance, emphasizing how each attempt brings hope and disappointment in equal measure. The thrill of not knowing whether the next try will yield the desired result adds an exciting twist to the gameplay experience.

Embark on your quest for the elusive male Belanoir Libero in Palworld and test your luck against the odds!