Unveiling the Mystery of Protection in Apex Legends

Discover why 'protection of minors' sparks debate in the world of Apex Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends fans are debating the significance of reporting ‘protection of minors’ as an offense. Are they safeguarding players or targeting specific individuals?


  • Users speculate on the purpose behind reporting ‘protection of minors’ in Apex Legends.
  • Some believe it’s about safeguarding children from potential exploitation.
  • Others suggest it could be related to specific players or behaviors.

Debating the Role of Protection

Some Redditors view the ‘protection of minors’ option as a means to prevent inappropriate interactions between adults and young players, citing potential grooming risks.

The Doc Factor

References to Dr Disrespect surface, hinting at the controversial figure’s possible involvement in the discussion around protecting minors within the game.

EA Influence

Speculations arise regarding EA’s influence on the reporting system, leading to debates on corporate motives within the gaming community.

Public opinion remains divided on the intentions behind reporting ‘protection of minors’ in Apex Legends, showcasing the complex dynamics of player interactions within the gaming sphere.