Unveiling the Mystery of the Little Shades in Hades – Gamers Discuss Their Origin

Gamers speculate on the mysterious little shades in Hades - are they children, sheep, or something else entirely?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the realm of Hades, players encounter a curious group of little shades after a significant encounter, prompting speculation among gamers about their origins and purpose.


  • Players debate whether the little shades are children, sheep, or cheerleaders.
  • Speculation arises about the connection between the shades and significant in-game events.
  • Gamers ponder if the shades represent souls of the deceased or something else entirely.

Origins of the Little Shades

00Technocolor00’s discovery of the little shades after confronting Chronos sparks curiosity among players, with different theories emerging about their nature. alwaysleftout suggests a link between these shades and the appearance of sheep post-boss encounters, hinting at a thematic connection in the game’s design dynamics.

The Nature of the Shades

YouGuysSuckSometimes’s observation that the little shades are ‘literally children’ adds a compelling layer to the mystery. Mash_Ketchum’s skepticism about divine or chthonic beings transforming into shades raises questions about the origins of these entities in the game’s cosmology.

Interpreting Their Purpose

drewzme451’s succinct ‘Sheep’ comment raises more questions than answers, highlighting the enigmatic nature of the little shades. Erynnien’s perspective that they serve as ‘cheerleaders’ introduces a playful element, suggesting a more supportive role for these mysterious figures.