Unveiling the Mystery of ‘We’re Rich’ in Deep Rock Galactic

Discover the hilarious 'We're Rich' mystery in Deep Rock Galactic and why players can't get enough of it!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are perplexed by a scout spamming ‘We’re Rich’ during a salvage mission with no gold in sight. Is it a hotkey trick or a mod?


  • Players cracked up by a scout’s continuous ‘We’re Rich’ line in the absence of gold.
  • The culprit behind the mystery revealed to be a soundboard mod for hilarious roleplaying.
  • The mod lets users bind voicelines, but some find it annoying, especially when used for spamming farts.

Unraveling the Mystery

The ‘We’re Rich’ mystery in Deep Rock Galactic arose during a salvage mission where a scout inexplicably kept repeating the phrase despite no gold being present. Players were baffled but amused by the absurdity of the situation, sparking discussions about possible explanations.

The Soundboard Mod

Reddit users quickly identified the source of the scout’s repetitive ‘We’re Rich’ as a soundboard mod. This mod, known as the Shout Framework, allows players to assign any voice line to a key for quick activation. While some found this mod entertaining for roleplaying purposes, many regarded it as annoying, especially when used to spam frivolous sounds like farts and burps.

Community Reactions

Players shared mixed reactions to encountering the soundboard mod in-game. Some praised its comedic value and its potential for enhancing roleplaying experiences, while others criticized it as obnoxious and disruptive. The divergent opinions highlighted the subjective nature of humor and individual preferences within the gaming community.

The uproar caused by the scout’s incessant ‘We’re Rich’ line showcased the power of mods in shaping players’ experiences and fostering unexpected moments of laughter and frustration in Deep Rock Galactic.