Unveiling the Mystery of Why Teyvat Nations Are Silent on Snezhnaya in Genshin Impact

Explore the perplexing silence of Teyvat nations towards Snezhnaya in Genshin Impact lore.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players discuss the curious absence of action by Teyvat nations against Snezhnaya despite their disruptive activities across the regions.


  • The perceived inaction of Teyvat nations against Snezhnaya stems from complex political alliances and power dynamics.
  • The strength of Snezhnaya’s military poses a significant deterrent to open conflict.
  • Archons’ ambiguous relationships with the Tsaritsa and the Fatui add layers of intrigue to the geopolitical landscape.

Insightful Analysis

Extinctkid notes the formidable military prowess of Snezhnaya, highlighting the reluctance of nations to challenge them without Archon intervention.

someotheralex delves into the nuanced allegiances of the Archons with the Fatui, shedding light on the complexities shaping their actions.

Responsible_Club_917 provides a perspective on the perceived lack of action, referencing the varying priorities and interactions of each nation with the Fatui.

Gwyn_Michaelis emphasizes the distinction between Snezhnaya as a nation and the Fatui’s disruptive activities, suggesting a more intricate narrative.

magnidwarf1900 underscores the overwhelming military might of Snezhnaya as a significant factor in the nations’ cautious approach.

floricel_112 highlights the extensive list of crimes attributed to the Fatui, compelling a reevaluation of their actions beyond the surface level.