Unveiling the Mystery: Skull and Bones – Stealth Nerf on Padawakang vs Forts

Delve into the intriguing Reddit post uncovering a potential stealth nerf affecting Padawakang vs Forts in Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones subreddit users are abuzz with discussions surrounding a Stealth Nerf that seems to have impacted the gameplay dynamics of Padawakang versus forts. Did the developers sneak in changes unnoticed, leading to a significant decrease in damage dealt by players against fort towers and walls?


  • Players notice a sudden 50% drop in damage dealt against fort weak points, raising suspicions of an undocumented change.
  • Concerns arise about the imbalance in ship-to-ship combat in PvE scenarios post-update.
  • Speculations suggest accidental tweaks in damage calculations affecting various aspects of gameplay.

Unveiling the Stealth Nerf

One user, Satsloader, highlights a drastic reduction in critical damage output against fort elements, leading to a puzzling situation where known strategies seem to falter without any evident cause. The community echoes this sentiment, expressing frustration over the unexpected alteration that alters their gameplay experience unpredictably.

Bewildering Changes in Combat

Icecubedyeti shares a disconcerting observation where ship-to-ship interactions in PvE scenarios appear to have undergone a bizarre transformation resulting in an unanticipated lack of damage received. This unexpected shift not only confuses players but also hampers the enjoyment derived from engaging in naval battles within the game.

Rumors of Patch Quirks

Ominae929 chimes in with rumors circulating about unusual spikes in fire damage and accelerated deterioration of PvE enemy sails post-patch. This revelation aligns with suspicions of inadvertent alterations in the game’s mechanics, leading to an environment where players find themselves questioning the integrity of their battles and the underlying systems governing gameplay.

Amidst these uncertainties and speculations, the Skull and Bones community remains vigilant, seeking answers to unravel the enigma behind the Stealth Nerf that threatens to disrupt their seafaring escapades. As players navigate through these uncharted waters of uncertainty, the quest for clarity and resolution continues in the ever-evolving realm of this nautical adventure.