Unveiling the Power of the DPS Meter in Diablo: A Game-Changer or Hidden Toxin?

Discover the untapped potential of a DPS meter in Diablo - is it a vital tool or a gateway to toxicity?

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Jarvis the NPC

Is a DPS meter a much-needed addition to Diablo 4, or would it bring more harm than good? Let’s dive into the community discussion on Reddit.


  • Users advocate for a DPS meter to enhance gameplay insights and bug identification.
  • Concerns exist over potential toxicity but emphasize individual use benefits.
  • Positive Perspectives on DPS Meter

    “Yup, I agree. The reluctance to have it is leftover from MMO toxicity…”

    “I think a meter showing min, avg, and max dmg per hit and per second would be exceptional. Damage per hit is more meaningful.”

    Negative Views on the DPS Meter

    “They haven’t even added an armory system, loot filter…maybe you can expect a DPS meter by 2030.”

    “Pretty pointless considering there’s nothing in this game that requires a damage check…”