Unveiling the Rarity of Deep Rock Galactic’s Error Cubes and Bittergem

Join the Deep Rock Galactic community as they debate the rarity of error cubes and Bittergem!

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the depths of Deep Rock Galactic, players are questioning the rarity of encountering error cubes and Bittergem in their mining escapades. Are they truly rare, or just a curious novelty?


  • Players debate the rarity of error cubes and Bittergem in Deep Rock Galactic
  • Some believe they are rare but not particularly special
  • Others argue they are more unique than other encounters

Is it Truly Rare?

The community is divided on whether error cubes and Bittergem are genuinely rare finds in the procedurally generated depths of Deep Rock Galactic. Some players believe that while they may not be common occurrences, they are not particularly noteworthy in terms of rarity. “Rare? Sure. Super notable? Not really,” commented one player, emphasizing the inevitability of such events with enough gameplay.

Calculating Rarity

Delving into the statistics, another redditor highlighted the approximate 1/546 chance of encountering these elements per mission, based on information from the game’s wiki. This numerical insight suggests a level of rarity that some players may not have fully appreciated. “It’s a 1/546 chance of happening per mission based off the chances stated on the wiki, assuming you always find them, so yeah it’s a bit rare,” explained a player.

Differing Perspectives

While some see error cubes and Bittergem as mere novelties, others find them to be more elusive than other in-game elements. “Not that rare, but I think it’s more rare than anything else I’ve encountered, events, ores, etc. combined,” shared a player, highlighting the relative scarcity compared to other gameplay features.