Unveiling the Rarity of Heirlooms in Apex Legends: Gamers Debate the Statistics

Join the heated discussion on the rarity of heirlooms in Apex Legends! Are they really as rare as players claim?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are immersed in a fiery debate about the elusive nature of heirlooms in the game. A thread on Reddit sparked intense discussions as gamers shared their experiences and speculations about the rarity of these coveted items. Is the hype around heirlooms justified, or are they just a stroke of luck?


  • Players are split on whether heirlooms are truly rare or just a matter of luck.
  • The statistical probability of obtaining an heirloom versus multiple legendaries is under scrutiny.
  • Some players share their own experiences, adding fuel to the debate.

Hot Takes on Heirlooms

Many players debated the probability calculations, with one user, Seybsnilksz, sharing their empirical study results: “Played since week 2. I’ve gotten heirloom shards once and three legendaries once. This empirical study of mine proves that they are both just as rare.” Coldpolarice responded, pointing out the potential luck factor: “I ran the numbers, and it looks like you would have got TWO heirlooms with that luck. We appreciate the post but better luck next time, bucko.”

The Divided Player Base

Some players, like ExoticBear_, emphasize the luck factor, saying, “It’s not if you do get an heirloom in less than 500 apex packs than lucky asf.” Others, like known_kanon, delve into the statistical probabilities, stating, “Chance for an heirloom is 1/500, which we can write as 0.002%. Please tell me my math is right.” The discussion continues as players ponder the true rarity of heirlooms in Apex Legends.

Join the debate and share your thoughts on the elusive nature of heirlooms in Apex Legends!