Unveiling the Secrets of Enshrouded: Eternal Ice Arrow Location Revealed

Discover where to find the elusive Eternal Ice Arrow in Enshrouded and unlock its power!

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players are on a mission to find the mysterious Eternal Ice Arrow. The search is on to uncover its location and unleash its frozen power.


  • Embrace the cold: The Eternal Ice Arrow awaits in the far northwest, near the Bard’s quest.
  • Adventure beckons: Climb the towering tree to claim the arrow and uncover hidden lore.
  • Community camaraderie: Players share tips and hints on the arrow’s elusive location.

Unraveling the Mystery

Unveiling the location of the Eternal Ice Arrow has become a hot topic among Enshrouded players. According to user timmusjimmus111, the arrow is marked during the Bard’s questline, possibly appearing after summoning the Bard to the base. The proximity of the arrow to the Bard’s location hints at a connection between the two elements of the game.

Chilling Discoveries

User Happy_ID10T sheds light on the precise whereabouts of the arrow, revealing its placement in the new area in the far northwest. Adventurers are tasked with scaling a colossal tree to reach the arrow, tucked away in a hidden spot accessible via a ladder. The presence of a chest and a lore note adds to the allure of this icy treasure.

Player Insights

Enshrouded enthusiasts are thrilled to collaborate and exchange insights on the hunt for the Eternal Ice Arrow. The camaraderie within the community showcases the shared passion for exploration and discovery, enhancing the overall gaming experience.