Unveiling the Secrets of Giving Gifts in Hades: What Do You Actually Gain?

Discover the true benefits of giving gifts in the popular game Hades from the Reddit community!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the underworld of Hades lies a mystery surrounding the act of giving gifts. Players ponder over the rewards and its significance…


  • Deep discussion on the rewards of giving gifts in Hades.
  • Insights into the late-game resource management aspect.
  • Players share their opinions on the cosmetic badges earned.

Resource Sink or Vanity?

Some players view the act of giving gifts in Hades as a late-game resource sink, requiring substantial resources to unlock all content. It’s a test of perseverance and dedication.

Cosmetic Appeal

Others appreciate the cosmetic aspect, considering it a way to personalize their gameplay with a decorative flair, like giving their health bar ‘a little bling’ as one player put it.

Bragging Rights and Lore

For some, the true reward lies in the bragging rights it offers. Players seek validation in unlocking all achievements, symbolizing their mastery of the game. Additionally, there’s the allure of uncovering hidden dialogue from Hades himself, adding a layer of lore to the experience.