Unveiling the Secrets of Wind in Skull and Bones: The Brigantine’s Curse

Delve into the mysteries of the wind in Skull and Bones as players question the quirks of the brigantine's sailing mechanics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones, a game that plunges players into the daring world of pirate adventures, has recently sparked a debate on Reddit about the peculiar behavior of the brigantine in relation to the wind. Users are puzzled by the sailing mechanics and the way the wind seems to favor this particular ship.


  • Players are questioning the logic behind the wind mechanics on the brigantine.
  • Some feel the wind system may be biased towards the brigantine.
  • Others argue that it’s a matter of perception and understanding sailing mechanics.

The Winds of Change

The original post by user charlSF raises an interesting point about the behavior of the wind in Skull and Bones when sailing the brigantine. The user questions why the wind seems to consistently favor the brigantine, offering maximum speed with full bow wind almost all the time. This observation has led to a lively discussion among players, with some feeling frustrated by the perceived bias towards this ship.

Exploring Bias in Sailing

One user, Lilywhitey, attributes the phenomenon to confirmation bias, suggesting that players may be noticing the wind’s impact on the brigantine more because of its unique sailing characteristics. They emphasize that the wind’s behavior remains consistent across all ships, despite individual perceptions.

Diverse Perspectives

Conandrewoo, on the other hand, offers a humorous response by sarcastically suggesting the user try sailing a different ship, the Sambuck, perhaps to experience a change in wind dynamics. This comment adds a touch of humor to the discussion while highlighting the varied perspectives on sailing mechanics in the game.

The debate on the wind mechanics in Skull and Bones reflects the passion and attention to detail that players bring to the game. Whether there is a true curse affecting the brigantine or simply a matter of perception, the community’s vibrant discussions showcase the dedication and engagement within the Skull and Bones player base.