Unveiling the Spooky Secrets of Abiotic Factor: Scariest Encounters Revealed

Discover the spine-chilling IS subjects and terrifying encounters in Abiotic Factor as players unmask the most frightening elements of the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the eerie depths of Abiotic Factor, players share their spine-tingling encounters with the game’s scariest subjects. From unsettling IS-122 to mysterious IS-0013, the community delves into the chilling aspects that keep them on edge.


  • Players express a mix of fear and curiosity towards different IS subjects.
  • The game’s ability to blend horror and mystery captivates the community.
  • Various IS subjects like IS-122 and IS-0031 leave lasting impressions.

Unveiling the IS-122 Terror

Several players highlight IS-122 as a bone-chilling encounter, citing the shadowed containment cell as a prime location for jump scares. The mere sight of this subject sends shivers down their spines.

The Allure of IS-0013 and IS-0700

While some players find IS-0013 and IS-0700 scary, their thirst for knowledge outweighs their fear. The allure of uncovering more details about these subjects adds an exciting element to their gameplay experience.

Diving into the IS-0031 Mystery

Players delve into the mysteries surrounding IS-0031, discussing the spine-chilling details of the Pool Room and the invisible creature lurking within. The enigmatic nature of this IS subject keeps players intrigued and on edge.