Unveiling the Troubles of Valorant’s Penalty System – A Player’s Frustration

Join the saga of a Valorant player battling the penalty system in-game. Will their frustrations ever be resolved?

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Valorant players, buckle up for a wild ride on the rollercoaster that is the penalty system in this game. A player going by the name LeatherAd129 recently vented their frustrations on Reddit about a particularly exasperating experience that left them questioning the fairness of the in-game penalties imposed. It all started innocuously enough, with LeatherAd129 simply trying to complete a task for newbies. Little did they know, they were about to embark on a journey rife with AFK teammates, questionable decisions, and a dollop of frustration.


  • The in-game penalty system in Valorant leaves players feeling unfairly punished for the actions of others.
  • The community sentiment is divided, with some acknowledging the flaws while others defend the system.
  • Solo queuing in Valorant can be a recipe for disaster, leading to frustrating experiences like those shared by LeatherAd129.

Community Reactions

Reddit user Memphite offered a glimmer of hope, reminding LeatherAd129 that things can improve with time, hinting at a better gaming experience beyond the initial hurdles.

On the flip side, BreachedandCleared painted a grim picture of Valorant’s community, placing it among the top 5 worst online communities they’ve encountered. However, they highlighted the game’s inherent fun when toxicity is absent.

User KidMorbid8573 echoed LeatherAd129’s sentiments, advocating for Riot to reconsider reinstating RR (Radiant Rank) when unfortunate circumstances like having an AFK teammate occur.

While some, like youthismine, suggested avoiding solo queueing altogether, babakaneko took a pragmatic approach, emphasizing the importance of fostering a positive environment amidst challenges in the game.

It’s evident from the diverse responses that Valorant’s penalty system has evoked mixed feelings within the community, with some players grappling with the inherent unfairness while others view it as a necessary evil to combat toxic behavior. Finding the balance between maintaining a competitive environment and ensuring a positive player experience remains a challenge for Riot Games. As LeatherAd129’s saga highlights, navigating the murky waters of penalization in Valorant can often feel like a Herculean task, leaving players yearning for a more equitable system that holds the right individuals accountable.