Unveiling the Truth About Cid in Final Fantasy Series

Explore the mystery behind Cid, the recurring character in Final Fantasy games. Why is he always an engineer/mechanic?

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on a journey through the Final Fantasy series to uncover the enigma surrounding Cid’s role as an engineer/mechanic. Are there exceptions to this recurring theme, or is Cid irrevocably intertwined with airships?


  • Cid’s association with airships remains a consistent theme throughout the series.
  • While often an engineer, Cid’s roles vary across different games, showcasing versatility.
  • Not every iteration of Cid in Final Fantasy is portrayed as an engineer or mechanic.

The Airship Connection

Throughout the Final Fantasy series, Cid’s relationship with airships serves as a recurring motif, symbolizing his deep connection to exploration and innovation.

Versatility in Characterization

Cid’s character exhibits remarkable versatility, taking on diverse roles from a headmaster to a cursed king, challenging traditional perceptions of his profession.

Breaking Stereotypes

Despite the prevalent archetype of Cid as an engineer, certain installments defy expectations, presenting him in unconventional roles like a headteacher or royal leader.

An Enduring Legacy

Cid’s presence in the Final Fantasy series transcends mere job titles, embodying themes of leadership, legacy, and adaptability that resonate with fans worldwide.