Unveiling the Truth: Is the Nerf on E-Blades in Team Fight Tactics (TFT) That Bad or Was It Just a Skill Issue?

Discover the true impact of the nerf on E-Blades in TFT: a critical examination of skill and strategy.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) enthusiasts took to Reddit to discuss the controversial nerf on E-Blades, delving into the intricacies of skill and itemization in the game.


  • Players debated the effectiveness of E-Blades in TFT builds, questioning optimal itemization strategies.
  • Skill versus itemization became a focal point, with users analyzing the impact on gameplay and team compositions.
  • Feedback highlighted the importance of defensive items and a balanced approach to itemization for success in TFT matches.

Insights into E-Blade Nerf

One user critiqued a build for relying too heavily on a single champion, emphasizing the need for a robust frontline to support damage dealers. They suggested alternative itemization approaches to maximize effectiveness.

The Importance of Defensive Items

Several users pointed out the lack of defensive items in a specific build, attributing its failure to inadequate survivability. They stressed the significance of incorporating armor and other defensive stats to enhance a champion’s performance.

Itemization Strategy and Team Composition

An in-depth analysis of itemization choices and team composition revealed the complexity of decision-making in TFT. Balancing offensive and defensive items emerged as a crucial factor in achieving victory.

Exploring the diverse perspectives and strategies shared on Reddit shed light on the nuanced mechanics of TFT and the ongoing debate regarding the impact of item nerfs on gameplay.

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