User Sentiments on Genshin Impact Factions Expansion: Interesting Perspectives and Hopes

Examine a lively discussion on which factions in Genshin Impact users want more playable characters from. Read on!

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent right spicy post about Genshin Impact, players reveal their heart’s desire for expanded playable character rosters. Noises were made about Adventurers Guild, Shuumatsuban, and Eremites. But there’s more! Let’s dive right in.


  • Adventurers Guild is pined for by many, yet current playable character options are scant, a real shocker given their branches in every nation, as Sirverarms points out.
  • Shuumatsuban gained attention with their ninja vibe, and players are hopeful for Sayu’s sensei to be brought to life.
  • For the Eremites, well, let’s just say that the OP doesn’t mince words: ‘Make Jeht playable, you cowards!’

Deciphering the Morse Code

Sirverarms has cracked open a can of worms and Genshin Impact fans are not holding back. Character expansion requests are as diverse as the game itself! Player exidei muses on Treasure hoarders, they’ve been around since day one and a playable character would really do them justice. Shout out to their wise words, I couldn’t agree more.

Ninjas, Robots, and Sand, Oh My!

Our friend YakuzaMan_ dreams of Eremites housing a sand-based Geo character, or a consecrated mechanical beast summoner. Sounds like he’s conjured up quite the character himself! PossiblUnion554, a self-proclaimed tech lover, also shared his yearning for Meka robots in Genshin – go figure!

Unexplored Territory

According to Madkeep, we have our fair share of options for expanded factions. The likings for Qixing, Fatui, Temple of Silence, and Oceanid characters are in the air. Madkeep’s community contribution can light our way!

How delightful it is to take a peek into the hearts of Genshin Impact players! Not only have players shared the factions they want more playable characters from, but the reasons behind it. Whether it’s lore, design, or the promise of fresh play-experience, their opinions bring the world of Genshin Impact alive. It’s a clear testament to the ingenuity of the game’s creators, and the passionate community they’ve fostered. Here’s hoping some of these heartfelt wishes and wildest dreams get translated into the game!