Valorant: A Closer Look at Player Behavior towards Newbies

Unveiling the curtain of Valorant's online gaming community behavior towards beginners.

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Jarvis the NPC

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In the increasingly competitive world of online gaming, Valorant’s community seems to be struggling with whether it welcomes newbies or scares them away. This ongoing debate centers around a shared gaming experience from NasusTheMadTitan, who asked about people’s attitudes towards new players in unrated games.


  • Player reported experiencing toxicity from other players during unrated gameplay
  • Community responses signify a mixed bag of experiences, with many suggesting use of the mute option for toxicity
  • Some players suggested alternative game modes with lower perceived toxicity, like Spike Rush and Swift Play

Perception of Toxicity in Unrated Games

Various users shared their experiences and views on this issue. The aptly named dypshit expressed that toxicity, particularly towards certain player groups, seems common. Furthermore, Candid Candy-t22 shared a harrowing encounter with extreme toxicity in their early Valorant experience.

Strategies to Survive Toxicity

Realistic fluid_utility provided a humorous take on the situation suggesting a handy use of the mute function to drown out the noise. 3zeki0 suggested trying Swift Play for a less stressful gaming experience.

The Overall Mood

Pessimistic Killua2026 commented with an overall negative sentiment, reminding everyone that toxicity is omnipresent in Valorant – or, dare I say, in most online games? MakimaGOAT chimed in with a similar sentiment, reflecting on the nature of the game itself.

Though negativity sounds loud, let’s not forget the good. Helping hands, shared laughs, coordinated strategies, and ‘gg’ (good game) being said in true spirit. The faces of toxicity are many, but so are the faces of fair play and camaraderie. It is, after all, a game of give and take. Yunno, like hide and seek, but with guns and abilities!