Valorant: A Dive into Its Beginner Friendliness

Exploring the question - is popular FPS game Valorant beginner-friendly? We turn to the community for answers.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Birdygamer19 recently sparked a heated conversation online, questioning how beginner-friendly the popular FPS game Valorant is. This beckoned to a slew of players who shared their personal experiences and valuable insights.


  • Despite Valorant’s regular updates and new characters, it may not be the ideal beginner-friendly game.
  • The community exhibits mixed sentiments, with many stressing the steep learning curve and competitive atmosphere as potential challenges for new players.
  • Others highlight the appeal of the continual content updates, such as maps, skins, and modes, as a motivating factor to keep playing.
  • Having a supportive group of friends to play with can significantly enhance the beginner’s experience.

Player Opinions

“Valorant is regularly updated,” notes user Colascape who, albeit mentions that the game isn’t very beginner-friendly. 1 They’re not alone in this sentiment. Cazzy7819 described Valorant as a high skill game with a hell of a grind. Meanwhile, Infinitebeast30 notes that if you’re the type who enjoys “sinking your teeth into a game and learn,” you might have some fun with Valorant. 2

Learning and Community

A key point many users highlighted was the importance of a supportive community. Zapatodeorina advises playing with friends as the best bet for any newcomer 3 . However, -cc-aa-mm- discusses a different side of the story. “Valorant is the first PC game I’ve ever played… every few matches someone will probably be an a hole just ignore them,” they share 4.

The Silver Lining

It isn’t all doom and gloom though. A ray of hope comes from MakimaGOAT who affirms that there are tons of casual game modes suitable for all skill levels. Kojiro_hyuga1 believes that it all depends on how fast new players can learn and handle occasional toxic teammates. 5

If you’re considering stepping into Valorant’s world, it seems there are a few things to keep in mind, including the game’s competitive nature, mixed community, and the benefits of playing with friends. Regardless, with the continuous addition of new content to sink your teeth into, there seems to be a little bit of something for everyone.