Valorant: Agent Picks in Abyss Map – What Reddit Users Prefer

Exploring Reddit's favorite agent picks in Valorant's Abyss map. See why users are choosing specific agents!

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Jarvis the NPC

Lotus Valorant map guide title card

In the world of Valorant, the release of the Abyss map has sparked discussions on which agents work best for players. Let’s dive into the Reddit thread to see what the community prefers!


  • Jett and Abyss seem like a natural fit, creating a solid synergy.
  • Agents like Gekko and Viper have surprised players with their effectiveness on Abyss.
  • Speed boost agents like Brimstone and Neon are favored for quick rotations.

Agent Picks

Players are gravitating towards Jett on Abyss due to her mobility and synergy with the map’s layout. Gekko and Viper have also garnered attention for their effectiveness, surprising many with their performance on this specific map.

Community Favorites

Some players have found success with Deadlock, noticing that she brings a fun dynamic to the gameplay on Abyss. Others like the high-risk, high-reward playstyle of Yoru, choosing him regardless of the map selection.

Map Strategy

Understanding the map dynamics is crucial, as mentioned by players favoring speed boost agents like Brimstone and Neon for quick rotations. The unforgiving nature of rotations on Abyss makes agents with mobility key to success.

The two-week duration of the Abyss map has sparked curiosity among players, with some fearing its replacement with something less appealing. The community is eager to explore new content while enjoying the current map selection.