Valorant Agents: Astra or Skye – Who Should You Choose?

Deciding between Astra and Skye in Valorant? Let's dive into the Reddit community's thoughts on which agent to unlock.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant’s agents Astra and Skye have sparked a debate in the community about which one to choose. With Astra’s spatial manipulation abilities and Skye’s versatile support skills, players are torn between the two options. Let’s take a closer look at what the Valorant subreddit users have to say about this dilemma.


  • The choice between Astra and Skye depends on your playstyle and team coordination.
  • Players recommend Skye for a balanced gameplay experience, especially if you enjoy Kay/O.
  • Astra’s strategic abilities are valuable for site control and map manipulation.

Astra – The Spatial Manipulator

Some players favor Astra for her ability to control the battlefield with her star systems. Her smokes and gravity well can disrupt enemy movements and provide cover for your team’s tactics. Astra excels in strategic play and requires coordination to maximize her potential.

Skye – The Versatile Support

On the other hand, Skye offers a more supportive role with healing, blinds, and information gathering. Skye’s kit is versatile and can adapt to various situations, making her a solid choice for players who value teamwork and utility.

Player Insights

One user suggests, ‘Kill Skye, F Astra, Marry Brim,’ indicating a preference for Astra’s abilities over Skye’s kit. However, another player highlights the importance of team coordination for Astra to be effective in ranked matches.