Valorant Agents: Fade, Gekko, or Clove? Which One Should You Choose?

Choosing the right agent in Valorant can be daunting. Find out why players prefer Fade, Gekko, or Clove!

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players are torn between choosing agents Fade, Gekko, or Clove. Each agent has unique abilities and playstyles that cater to different preferences and strategies.


  • Gekko provides straightforward utility and is beginner-friendly.
  • Fade requires more skill but offers great team plays.
  • Clove suits players with precise aim and enjoy healing abilities.

Player Insights on Gekko

Many players recommend Gekko for its simplicity and utility, making it ideal for newer players seeking value even in challenging games.

Thoughts on Fade

Fade’s abilities are potent for strategic team plays, but mastering her skills and lineups is crucial to maximize her potential.

Clove’s Appeal

Clove stands out for players who value healing, smoking, and precise aiming akin to Reyna’s playstyle.

Valorant agents offer diverse playstyles, catering to different skill levels and preferences. Whether you prefer the straightforward utility of Gekko, the strategic plays of Fade, or the precise aim required for Clove, each agent brings a unique flair to the game.