Valorant Community Concerns: A Deep Dive into Cheating Rumors

The Valorant community takes on the challenge of addressing potential cheating concerns in the game. Are there hidden exploits derailing fair gameplay?

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players are raising red flags about potential cheating within the game. The poster, a self-identified low immortal player, questions the prevalence of cheating practices during gameplay sessions. From suspicious movements to uncanny reads on player locations, the thread ignites a debate on the integrity of Valorant matches.


  • Players voice concerns over subtle cheating behaviors in Valorant.
  • Community members share experiences of encountering blatant cheaters during gameplay.
  • Doubts linger about the efficacy of Vanguard anti-cheat system in detecting sophisticated cheats.

Cheating Allegations

Several users report encountering players with suspiciously high headshot rates, rapid ranking improvements, and extraordinary kill records. Some express frustration at the growing instances of cheats going undetected by the anti-cheat system.

Valve’s Response

While some players believe that Valorant’s anti-cheat system is robust, others criticize its ability to catch sophisticated cheats. Users highlight instances of players circumventing the system and the potential impact on fair gameplay.

Community Perspectives

The community appears divided, with some acknowledging the presence of cheaters while others downplay the issue as sporadic incidents. Suggestions for improved detection methods, such as a replay system, are put forward to address subtle cheating effectively.