Valorant Console Ranked: Are Placements Broken?

Valorant players debate broken placements in the console ranked system. Are they too generous or punishing?

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Valorant fans are buzzing about ranked placements on consoles. Users question the validity of placements below plat, with some surprised by their high rankings.


  • Console ranked placements seem skewed, with players reporting unexpected placements.
  • Players believe the influx of PC players may be affecting console rankings.
  • New players are finding success in placement games, leading to variations in ranks.

Players Dispute Rankings

In the Reddit thread, users share their contrasting experiences with console ranked placements in Valorant. Some express bewilderment at receiving high ranks, while others feel unfairly placed.

PC Player Influx Impact

One user suggests that the presence of PC players transitioning to consoles may be influencing the rankings, causing disparities in placements.

Performance vs. Rank

Players debate the correlation between in-game performance and final rankings, questioning the consistency of the placement system in reflecting player skills.