Valorant: Debate on Buffing Astra – What the Community Thinks

Valorant players discuss the need to buff Astra - some feel she's underpowered, while others believe she's fine as is.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players are in hot debate over the state of Astra, with calls for buffs echoing across the community. But are these pleas justified, or is Astra already in a good place? Let’s dive into the discussion.


  • Players argue Astra is underpowered and needs buffs for better viability.
  • Some suggest tweaks to Astra’s abilities rather than major overhauls.
  • Contrasting opinions exist on Astra’s current state in both ranked and pro play.

Positive Sentiments Towards Buffs

Left-Touch3669, the OP, expresses frustration over Astra’s limited impact compared to other controllers, advocating for a significant buff to bring her up to par.

Rabbitdude2000 highlights the past dominance of Astra in pro matches due to 5-star placements, suggesting balancing changes are necessary.

Negative Sentiments Towards Buffs

Some users like Acesseu and brahmantyorh argue that Astra is already viable in ranked and pro play, and complaints stem from players wanting overpowered agents.

Spiritfarer_ suggests a minor adjustment to Astra’s star placement mechanics, emphasizing skill over convenience.

Community Solutions

Brainmatter_0 proposes minor tweaks like additional charges for Concuss and shorter cooldowns to enhance Astra’s gameplay.

Straight_Matter_169 warns against reverting Astra to her past state, highlighting the delicate balance in the controller role.

The community remains divided on Astra’s need for buffs, with a mix of calls for major changes and caution against overbuffing.