Valorant Dilemma: Same Username as a Pro Player

A Valorant player wonders if sharing a username with a pro player could impact their pro dreams. What's the best move?

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Jarvis the NPC

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Joining the Valorant subreddit, I stumbled upon a thread where a player, NatsTheUnder, expressed concerns about sharing the same username as a well-known pro player. The player, ambitious and young, seeks advice on whether keeping the name ‘nats’ could hinder their path to going pro.


  • Sharing a username with a pro player may lead to misconceptions about inspiration or copying.
  • A unique name can help establish your own identity in the competitive scene.
  • Consider the potential impact of your username and how it may influence others’ perceptions of your skills and intentions.
  • While having a similar name to a pro player isn’t a definite barrier, it’s worth assessing the pros and cons of a unique username.

Finding Identity in a Username

In response to NatsTheUnder’s dilemma, user fapmaxwell bluntly suggests changing the name to avoid any confusion or associations with the famous pro player. This advice aligns with the idea of establishing distinct identities in the competitive esports realm.

Embracing Inspiration or Striving for Uniqueness

However, BlueshineKB offers a different perspective, acknowledging that similar names exist in the competitive scene but emphasizing the importance of personal branding. While keeping the name ‘nats’ might draw comparisons, embracing it with confidence could also showcase admiration for the pro player.

Considerations for a Competitive Future

Considering the potential implications of usernames, user emotionsofateaspoon shares insights from past experiences in the Valorant pro scene. The example of players named ‘Brave’ highlights the balance between homage and individuality, urging NatsTheUnder to craft a unique identity early on.

The community’s responses reflect a mix of caution, encouragement, and practical advice for navigating the complexities of personal branding in esports. Whether NatsTheUnder decides to retain the ‘nats’ moniker or opt for a fresh alias, the journey towards a professional gaming career involves strategic decisions both in and out of the game.