Valorant Fans Decry Rank Reset System: The Harrowing Tale From Reddit

A deep dive into the Valorant subreddit's fiery debate over the game's controversial rank reset system.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

In the world of Valorant, there’s a surging wave of disgruntlement among players regarding the rank reset system. Recently, a certain ‘genericleagueplayer’ caused a stir with a heavily critical post about the system. As the title vividly indicates, they despite the rank reset system, calling it ‘the worst system I think I’ve ever seen.’


  • The post undermines the rank reset system, questioning why skilled players are knocked back disproportionately and what purpose it serves if it’s just pushing players to grind more.
  • ‘genericleagueplayer’ specifically mentions his drop from Diamond 3 to Gold 3 which he finds perplexing and seemingly unwarranted.
  • Despite the general dissatisfaction, the comments reveal a variety of player sentiments, ranging from harsh criticism to pragmatic acceptance.
    • The Heated Backlash

      Several players echo ‘genericleagueplayer’s’ sentiments, criticizing the rank reset system for purportedly rewarding grinding while punishing skill. User ‘Z1018’ expressed their frustration stating ‘The game isn’t fun to continually get to a desired rank only to have to do it again and again..’

      The Other Side

      Nonetheless, there are those who defend the rank reset system, or at least find a rationale in it. ‘Dede117’ suggests ‘To make people prove they are where they belong..Cynically: To make people grind the game more and keep player count up.’ Similarly, ‘Legendoery’ argued that ‘if u deserve ur rank ull get it back… depending how much u play.’

      Between Rebellion and Acceptance

      Caught between the crossfire of discontent and acceptance are players who seem stuck in the middle. ‘Fluid_utility’, who initially got deranked, affirms ‘But ik i will be diamond within a month for sure.’ They’re not happy about it, but they’re dealing with it, one battle at a time.

      In the final analysis, the Valorant rank reset system debate reveals a deeply polarised community. As the developers move forward, they must navigate this minefield of passionate player feedback, seeking a system that manages to be just for both grinders and skilled players. As the saying goes, uneasy lies the head that wears the crown, er, runs a highly popular video game.