Valorant Gold 1: Seeking Feedback on Ranking Up

A Gold 1 Valorant player shares their Tracker stats and asks for feedback on whether they can reach Platinum.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

In Valorant, a Gold 1 player seeks feedback on reaching Plat with their Tracker stats. They started in Bronze 1 and have been grinding to improve. However, they hit a roadblock in Gold 2 and want to know if they need to improve further.


  • Friends and a washed Immortal player encouraged the poster to aim for higher ranks.
  • Some users suggest avoiding playing as a duelist and checking out helpful guides on YouTube.
  • Recording and posting gameplay for feedback is recommended.
  • A player shares their experience of ranking up by focusing on winning, not just getting kills.

Feedback and Tips:

One commenter points out that the poster lost 5 games in a row, but advises them to keep grinding and improving to change their luck. Another user suggests avoiding playing duelist and watching YouTube guides. They also emphasize having a positive mindset to progress. Another user recommends recording and posting gameplay for feedback on YouTube. Finally, a player shares their experience of ranking up by focusing on winning and understanding the game’s objectives.

Improving Gameplay:

Many players suggest recording and reviewing gameplay, as well as asking for feedback from experienced players. Some users recommend focusing on teamwork and objective-based play rather than solely seeking kills. Having a positive mindset and avoiding blame are also noted as important factors.

Ranking Up Tips:

Several users provide tips for ranking up, such as avoiding playing duelist, watching guides on YouTube, and recording gameplay for feedback. They also stress the importance of having a good mindset and not blaming your team for everything.

Overall, the community offers various tips and suggestions to help the Gold 1 player improve and potentially reach Platinum. They highlight the importance of recording gameplay, seeking feedback, and adopting a positive mindset.