Valorant Hard Reset: Player Frustrations and Random Matchmaking

The Valorant community expresses frustration with the hard reset causing skill level mismatches in games.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players are voicing their displeasure over the recent hard reset, leading to unbalanced match-ups that affect the overall gaming experience.


  • Players are encountering mismatched skill levels in games, disrupting the competitive integrity.
  • The reset has led to former high-rank players facing lower ranks, causing frustration and imbalance.
  • Some see potential benefits in the reset for players to prove themselves and climb quickly.
  • The community is divided on whether the reset is beneficial for the game’s matchmaking system.

Former Diamond Struggles

Former high-rank players like Mandydeth find themselves in lower lobbies, feeling obligated to carry their teams and facing unnatural skill gaps, impacting their enjoyment.

Conflicting Views on the Reset

While some players appreciate the opportunity to play against higher ranks, others like SwingyWingyShoes criticize the mismatched skill levels in current lobbies.

Community Debates Matchmaking

Players like alienkaleql support the reset for mixing player bases but acknowledge the challenges of balancing games with varying skill levels.

The Valorant community is grappling with the repercussions of the hard reset, navigating through unbalanced lobbies and disrupted competitive experiences.