Valorant: Has Raze Been Nerfed? Players Share Their Thoughts

Raze mains question if recent changes have affected her satchel abilities.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players are discussing Raze’s satchel abilities and whether recent updates have impacted her playstyle. The original post highlights a player’s struggle with achieving the same distance on satchel jumps, sparking a debate…


  • Players debate whether Raze’s satchels have been nerfed.
  • Skill and practice are emphasized for mastering Raze’s satchel jumps.
  • The community recommends various strategies and guides for improving satchel play.

Raze’s Satchel Debate

Valorant players are divided in their opinions regarding Raze’s satchel abilities. While some believe changes have been made to her travel distance…

Practice Makes Perfect

Many players suggest that the key to mastering Raze’s satchel movements lies in practice. The complexity of certain jumps requires patience and dedication…

Community Recommendations

Players recommend watching specific guides and tutorials to enhance satchel play. Tips on handling satchels and improving movement techniques are shared…

Valorant’s Raze continues to be a hot topic among players, with opinions varying on whether she has undergone significant nerfs. While some argue for changes in her abilities, others emphasize the importance of practice and skill in mastering her unique playstyle. The debate rages on as players strive to unlock the full potential of Raze’s explosive capabilities.