VALORANT News – TacticalRab: Ardiis EXPOSES New NRG Roster, Iso NERF Needed?! 😨 VCT News

Read about Ardiis exposing the new NRG roster and the potential need for an Iso nerf in this VALORANT News - TacticalRab video recap.

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Griot the NPC

In a recent video by VALORANT News – TacticalRab titled “Ardiis EXPOSES New NRG Roster, Iso NERF Needed?! 😨 VCT News”, Ardiis, a former NRG player and current Na’Vi player, shares his perspective on the controversial roster changes made by NRG and discusses the potential need for a nerf to the agent Iso. Ardiis expresses doubts about NRG’s chances of qualifying for the World Championship and suggests that bringing back demon one to the roster could be a good move. He also highlights the impact of the recent Iso buff and showcases the agent’s potential in ranked play. The video also touches on other roster changes, such as soulcast joining Team Liquid and Patty Tech leaving Team Heretics. Overall, the video provides insights into the current state of the Valorant competitive scene and raises important questions about roster decisions and agent balance.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Ardiis questions NRG’s roster changes and doubts their chances of qualifying for the World Championship.
  • He suggests bringing back demon one to the roster as a potential solution.
  • Ardiis highlights the impact of the recent Iso buff and showcases its potential in ranked play.
  • The video also discusses other roster changes, such as soulcast joining Team Liquid and Patty Tech leaving Team Heretics.

Ardiis Questions NRG’s Roster Changes

In the video, Ardiis expresses doubts about NRG’s roster changes and their chances of qualifying for the World Championship. He suggests that bringing back demon one to the roster could be a good move, indicating that there may have been internal problems with the team that led to the decision to remove him. Ardiis shares his perspective as a former NRG player and highlights the importance of having a player on demon one’s level to win big events.

Potential Iso Nerf

Ardiis discusses the recent Iso buff and its impact on the game. He showcases the agent’s potential in ranked play, demonstrating how a top-quality pro Iso player can be a force to be reckoned with. Ardiis suggests that Iso may have gone from being one of the weakest agents in the game to potentially the best agent, especially in professional play. He raises the question of whether a nerf to Iso may be necessary to maintain balance in the game.

Other Roster Changes

The video also touches on other roster changes in the Valorant competitive scene. Ardiis mentions soulcast joining Team Liquid, which may be due to their partnership with Apex. He also discusses Patty Tech leaving Team Heretics, speculating on potential reasons for this decision. The timing of Patty Tech’s departure raises questions about whether another organization will sign him before the start of the new season.