Valorant Player Queries the Internet: Selfish for Playing Ranked Without Being ‘Good’?

Dive into the Valorant community's take on whether it's selfish to play ranked games if you're not 'good'.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

There’s been a storm brewing over in the community of Valorant players. One player, known as ‘MelmaNie’, publicly voiced his doubts about whether he should participate in ranked games due to inconsistent performance. A sentinel player, MelmaNie experiences fluctuating kill scores and has recently faced losses. He voiced his struggles and his motivation to seek fair matchmaking but raised the question: Is it selfish to play ranked games if not good?

Community Sentiment

  • Overwhelmingly supportive feedback
  • Encouragement toward MelmaNie’s drive to improve and climb the ladder
  • Strong stance against the notion that playing ranked games without being top tier is ‘selfish’
  • Key Conversations

    Firstly, ‘Shadowflame-95’ delivers a ‘no-brainer’ reply, depicting attempts to advance in ranks as the very reason for their existence. They argue that ending up in iron entrenches players who aren’t quite up to snuff yet, indicating that any rank above is proof of capability. Check out their encouraging words here.

    Secondly, ‘lanigiroresu’ presents a nuanced perspective, encouraging players to introspect their game patterns and seek improvement. They urge players to watch for repetitive errors, turning them into lessons, while further reiterating that ranked games should be about personal growth rather than just victory. Check out their insightful comments here.

    Finally, ‘PCNintenBoxStation’ suggests a level-headed approach to gaming – playing for the fun of it, while focusing on personal objectives. They view ranked games as a platform for players to gauge their skills, demonstrating how players have the right to pursue their personal growth in the gaming stratosphere. Their supportive words can be found here.

    The voice of the Valorant community resounded loud and clear. Yes, MelmaNie, you should go out there and play ranked games! It’s about your game, your growth, your journey. People might not always be kind, but don’t let the occasional speed bump make you question your right to the ride.