Valorant Players Concerned About Xim Usage on Consoles – What Riot Needs to Do

Valorant community raises concerns about Xim usage on consoles and calls for Riot's action.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players are voicing their concerns over the use of Xim on consoles, particularly in high elo matches. The unfair advantage it provides is causing frustration among the community.


  • Players frustrated with Xim usage in high elo matches
  • Concerns over unfair advantage and lack of immediate bans
  • Hopes for Riot to address the issue effectively

Community Concerns Regarding Xim Usage on Consoles

Many Valorant players are expressing their frustrations with the prevalence of Xim users in high elo matches, comparing it to experiences in other games like Overwatch 2 and Siege. The issue of unfair advantage and the delayed ban process are recurring themes in the comments, with players highlighting the negative impact these practices have on the overall gameplay experience. One user, “Noir_Vena_Cava,” notes the cycle of Xim users creating new accounts after getting banned, emphasizing the need for a more robust system to curb this behavior. The sentiment among the community is one of exasperation, with many hoping that Riot will implement measures to tackle this issue effectively.

Clarifying Xim Detection and Enforcement

While some players believe that Riot already has systems in place to detect and ban Xim users, others like “TellingThe-Truth” question the effectiveness of these measures. The skepticism stems from the perceived inconsistency in addressing the problem promptly. Responding to queries about identifying Xim users, comments like that of “icepickmassacre” reflect the community’s eagerness to understand better detection methods and enforcement strategies employed by Riot. The lack of transparency and clarity in this regard contributes to the overarching concern regarding the prevalence of Xim usage on consoles.

Riot’s Response and Community Expectations

As players await Riot’s response to the escalating concerns, there is a sense of anticipation coupled with skepticism about the potential effectiveness of any proposed solutions. The community’s expectations are clear: they want a comprehensive approach that not only identifies Xim users but also deters them from exploiting the system further. The urgency for action is palpable, with players seeking reassurance that Riot will address this issue proactively to preserve the integrity of competitive gameplay.