Valorant Players’ Frustration with Map Dodging

Valorant players express annoyance at map dodging, hindering gameplay variety.

Photo of author

Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Players in the Valorant community are fed up with constant dodging of maps, particularly Icebox and Abyss. This behavior frustrates many, impacting the overall gaming experience for the author and others.


  • Map dodging disrupts gameplay variety and enjoyment.
  • Suggestions for cooldown penalties to deter dodging are proposed.
  • Icebox is singled out as a commonly dodged map.

Community Frustration

Many users echoed the sentiment expressed by the original poster, with complaints about the limited map pool due to dodging. User ‘Fair-Caterpillar352’ suggests a system of escalating penalties to discourage repeated dodging, emphasizing the need to address the issue.

Icebox Criticism

‘Iamknight10’ succinctly expresses their discontent with Icebox, indicating a specific map that contributes to the dodging trend. The preference for avoiding this map highlights a shared distaste among players.

Feedback Loop

The feedback loop of dodging affecting map selection creates a vicious cycle that many players find frustrating. The lack of diverse map experiences due to dodging hampers overall enjoyment and leads to a polarized community sentiment.

Addressing the ongoing map dodging issue is imperative for maintaining a balanced and engaging gameplay environment in Valorant. By promoting diverse map rotations and implementing penalty systems, the community can work towards a more harmonious gaming experience.