Valorant Rankings on Console: The Truth Revealed

Discover the unexpected ranking placements and chaos in the Valorant console community.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Valorant on console has sparked heated debates among players, with ranking placements causing quite a stir.


  • Console rankings in Valorant are causing confusion and frustration.
  • New accounts are obtaining unexpectedly high ranks, leading to imbalance.
  • Players feel that the current ranking system is flawed and needs adjustments.

The Story Unravels

Placing in Diamond after placement games shocked Mossbergggg, sparking a discussion on rank distribution.

According to u/Plenty-Scale-7160, ranking can be baffling even in Plat 2, highlighting the confusion among players.

u/Soulated shared concerns about console ranked, pointing out the skewed RR gains affecting rank progression.

Community Chaos

u/No-Ad3787 described the ranked experience as chaotic, mixing skilled and inexperienced players in lobbies.

Players like u/shakzz9703 and u/SuccessfulSundae8419 shared their rapid ascension in ranks, adding to the unpredictability.

Even encountering leavers due to Fortnite distractions, as mentioned by u/JATRiiX, added to the turbulent ranking environment.

Future Expectations

Looking ahead, u/PredatorsFan anticipates more stability in ranks as Valorant on console evolves out of beta.

The disparity in rankings was evident, as players like u/Slekiing found themselves in vastly different ranks from their initial placements.

As players like u/ugakui discovered, winning matches and performing well didn’t always guarantee expected rankings.

The community is actively discussing the need for recalibrating the ranking system to ensure a fair and competitive environment.