Valorant: Redditors Share their Least Favorite Things about SoloQ’ing

Discover why Valorant players have mixed feelings about solo queueing in this insightful blog post based on Reddit discussions.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Valorant players on Reddit discuss their least favorite aspects of solo queueing in ranked matches.


  • Players dislike solo queue for its potential toxicity and lack of coordination.
  • Solo queueing with trios or duos can lead to challenges in communication.
  • Solo players may face unfair advantages and disadvantages against premade teams.

Trios and Duos Communication Challenges

Some players express frustration about queuing into teams where most members are in private communication, leaving solo players out of crucial information.

Unfair Advantage Against Premade Teams

Solo players often feel disadvantaged when facing premade teams, leading to a sense of unfairness and frustration in matches.

Toxicity and Lack of Coordination

Issues such as toxicity and poor teamwork dynamics contribute to players’ negative experiences in solo queue matches.

SoloQ’ing: A Love-Hate Relationship

While some players find solo queueing a thrilling challenge, others struggle with the unpredictable nature of matchmaking and team dynamics.