Valorant Showdown: Gekko Versus Iso

Join the debate on whether to unlock Gekko or Iso first in Valorant. Player insights, advice, and laughs all round.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

In the world of Valorant, choosing the right agent is vital for success, forming the backbone of strategy and gameplay. A recent discussion sparked interest on this very topic, centering around which agent to unlock first – Gekko or Iso.


  • Gekko is often viewed as more enjoyable, adding a team-friendly element to the game.
  • Iso presents a more aggressive approach, requiring good movement and aim but offering higher rewards.
  • It largely depends on personal preference and play style; both agents have their unique advantages.

Player perspectives

One commenter, JureFlex, argues for Gekko, stating that he’s more fun and about setting up plays with your team. Another user, pacmanlsd, adds some humor by noting when you play Gekko you are always playing with friends…you have wingmen, dizzy, mosh, and thrash so you are never alone.

The warrior or the team player?

The decision between Gekko and Iso seems to divide along lines of play preference, as aptly summarized by Kojiro_hyuga1. He explains Iso into a more aggressive spot requiring careful aim and tactics. Iso can be very rewarding in the right hands whereas, Gekko, generally, is easier to use and is more accommodating for new players or those whose aim isn’t as strong.

A Chorus for Gekko

Many comments like those from abelstoker2 and manek101 lean towards Gekko, citing his fun nature and suitability to solo queue. These players commend Gekko as more amusing, with Iso deemed as more aim and team-oriented. One user, lanigiroresu, self-proclaimed Gekko-main, sums up Gekko’s charm: He’s fun, hilarious and does a little bit of everything which keeps it fresh.

Both Gekko and Iso bring unique dynamics to the gameplay, keeping Valorant fresh and exciting for all. It’s not about who’s superior, it’s about playing to your style and having fun. In this match-up, there’s no right answer—just what’s right for you. So, are you team Gekko or team Iso? Let the games begin!