Valorant: Solo Queue vs. 5 Stack Dilemma – Which is Harder?

Valorant players debate the challenges of solo queueing versus playing in a 5 stack in this lively Reddit discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant players are torn between the trials of solo queueing and the camaraderie of a 5 stack. Let’s delve into the heated comments and opinions on Reddit.


  • Solo queue randomness can lead to frustration but also forces individual improvement.
  • Communication and positive mindset play crucial roles in overcoming challenges in ranked games.
  • Playing with friends can be more enjoyable, but it doesn’t guarantee an easier path to victory.

Debating the Dilemma

Valorant players share their contrasting experiences and opinions when it comes to the difficulty of solo queueing versus playing in a 5 stack. Some argue that the randomness of solo queue can be a double-edged sword, leading to games with toxic or uncooperative teammates. Others emphasize the importance of personal effort and mindset in overcoming these challenges.

Strategic Considerations

One user points out the prevalence of smurfs in higher ranks, highlighting the impact of external factors on individual performance. They stress the significance of improving one’s own gameplay and adapting to different situations to increase the chances of winning. The focus on self-improvement emerges as a recurring theme in the discussion.

Friendship vs. Coordination

Discussing the advantages of playing in a 5 stack versus solo queue, players acknowledge the fun and comfort of teaming up with friends. However, they also recognize that facing coordinated enemy teams in 5 stacks presents its own challenges. The debate centers on the balance between enjoyment and competitiveness in Valorant matches.