Valorant: The Great Monitor Debate – Is 240Hz 1440p Meta?

Join the debate on whether 240Hz 1440p is truly the meta for Valorant players looking to upgrade their monitors.

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Valorant players are diving into the age-old debate: Is 240Hz 1440p truly the meta for competitive gaming? The community is split on whether the upgrade is essential or overhyped.


  • Players vary in their monitor preferences, some advocating for 1080p 144Hz, while others swear by 240Hz 1440p for competitive advantage.
  • Cost and personal preferences play a significant role in monitor selection, with some valuing performance over resolution.
  • The debate centers on whether the performance gain from higher refresh rates justifies the cost for the average player.

Pros and Cons of 240Hz 1440p

Many gamers argue that 240Hz 1440p offers a competitive edge due to smoother gameplay and increased clarity. Some emphasize the importance of refresh rates over resolution, stating that high refresh rates are crucial for fast-paced shooters like Valorant. On the other hand, some believe that the difference between 144Hz and 240Hz is minimal and question the necessity of such high refresh rates.

Personal Preferences

Some players, like IIIDzire, find significant value in upgrading to 1440p monitors, noting the improved clarity and overall gaming experience. However, others, such as joejoe903, argue that 1080p monitors are still optimal for competitive play. The choice ultimately comes down to individual preferences and priorities.

Cost vs. Performance

The debate extends to the balance between cost and performance. While some players recommend investing in high-end monitors for the competitive advantage they provide, others point out that optimal performance can still be achieved with more budget-friendly options. Ultimately, the decision hinges on the value each player places on gaming experience versus financial considerations.

As Valorant players continue to seek the ideal setup for competitive play, the debate rages on regarding the necessity of 240Hz 1440p monitors. While some swear by the advantages of high refresh rates and resolution, others find that 1080p setups still offer a competitive edge. Ultimately, the choice between these options boils down to individual preferences, priorities, and budgets. Whether you’re aiming for radiant or simply looking to enhance your gaming experience, the monitor decision remains a personal one.